Monday, April 21, 2008

How to help the tired eyes of the work?

Many people complain that when working with a computer or documentation they have very tired eyes. If at the end of the working day watering eyes, and blurred objects surrounding it - symptoms asthenopia, excessive stress view.

No, it turns out the cause of these feelings can be no eye disease, and psychological discomfort.

Italian scientists have screened more than 200 bank employees, who complained that the work makes them overly strain the eyes. It turned out that one third of cases the problem can be expressed in words "from work if there is no satisfaction, and then look at it once again did not want"

Scientists have determined that a lack of social support, the conflicts in the working group, low self-esteem and lack of satisfaction from the work performed have a greater impact on the eye than illumination facilities.

Now, if in a room is noisy and it is filled with smoke, tired eyes, even with complete harmony in the team. But officials who worked with pleasure, reported problems with the eyes tripled reduced but were in the same premises.

If you are familiar with the problem - think, perhaps, the entire fault of psychological discomfort? The next question - Is not someone else's feeling today from your approval? "Share your smile" - or your employees as one of a type "easier to hire and dismiss new"? Then it is time to change jobs.

But, even if the work as a whole is OK, to the tender roses thorns attached. Each of us there moments when nainudneyshey had to deal with routine - and not do without them.

What steps can be taken to ensure that at the end of the working day still to look forward into the future?

First of all, it is necessary to properly organize a job. The eyes glare monitor very tiring, so if possible try to get rid of them.

Place the monitor away from the windows. Turn off or it enclosed ceiling light, use the protective shield.

Put the display screen so that look at it from top to bottom at an angle of 10-15 ° to the horizon;

Place documents with which you work, closer to you do not have to change the focal length of eyes, switching from screen to paper. Use paper holder;

Remember to wash the dust (and fingerprints:) with the monitor screen.

Reduce brightness. If the image on the screen display blurry, dark or twinkles immediately adjust the monitor;

The optimum distance from the eyes to the monitor - about 60 Ustroytes see on the stool handy, pay attention to the shoulders were relaxed, neck - is not extended dislocation, and relied on spin comfortably back. This is very important because muscle tension inevitably leads to a voltage of the eyes and headaches.

Preferably, on average, every 2 hours to do relaxation exercises on the neck and back muscles - spinning head, shoulders move, shifting several times. This will allow to reset the accumulated strain.

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