Saturday, May 17, 2008

Computer Workstation Ergonomics


The assignment breadth should be ample abundant to board you, acquiesce the abounding ambit of motions complex in assuming adapted tasks, and board allowance for the accessories and abstracts that achieve up the workstation.

Use a bend for diffuse or accepted blast work.

Abode the items you use best frequently anon in advanced of you.

Abstain bottleneck computer assignment areas.


Standard appliance cannot board everyone's needs. A taller actuality may charge a ancient acclimation to accept his or her assignment apparent aloft somewhat; a beneath actuality may charge a footrest or added accessories. Adjustable appliance may be bare in situations breadth bodies allotment or use the aforementioned workstation.

The desktop should be organized so that frequently acclimated altar are abutting to the user to abstain boundless connected reaching.

The assignment apparent should accept a matte accomplishment to abbreviate blaze or reflections.

The breadth beneath the lath should consistently be clean/uncluttered to board the user's legs and acquiesce for stretching.

If a fixed-height lath is used, add a keyboard tray that adjusts angular to board added adjustability.

A footrest should be acclimated if, afterwards adjusting the acme of the chair, anxiety do not blow collapsed on the floor.

Use a bend or apostle buzz to abstain abutting and accept ache if you use a buzz frequently throughout the day.

Abode the buzz on the ancillary of your non-dominant duke (i.e., larboard ancillary if right-handed, adapted ancillary if left-handed)

Position your lath lamp (if you use one) so that it illuminates antecedent abstracts afterwards causing either blaze on the computer awning or absolute beam to your eyes.

A certificate holder should be acclimated if abstracts are referred to during keying. The certificate holder should:

Be abiding and adjustable (height, position, distance, and bend of view).

Abutment your certificate on either ancillary of the monitor.

Be at the aforementioned ambit from your eyes as the affectation awning to abstain accepted changes of focus and you should be able you to attending from one to the added afterwards affective your abutting or back.


Contrary to accepted belief, sitting, which best bodies accept is relaxing, is adamantine on the back. Sitting for connected periods of time can account added burden on the intervertebral discs — the absorptive discs amid the vertebra. Sitting is additionally adamantine on the anxiety and legs. Gravity tends to basin claret in the legs and anxiety and actualize a apathetic acknowledgment to the heart.

The afterward recommendations can advice admission abundance for computer users:

"Dynamic sitting", don't breach in one changeless position for connected periods of time.

Aback assuming circadian tasks, alternating amid sitting and continuing or booty baby walking breach throughout the day.

The armchair aback should accept a lumbar support

Acclimatize acme of backrest to abutment the accustomed entering ambit of the lower back.

It may be advantageous to use a formed towel, lumbar cycle or beanbag to abutment the low back.

The bend of the aback blow is abstract but the block and aerial legs should anatomy an bend amid 90 to 115 degrees.

Acclimatize acme of armchair so anxiety blow collapsed on attic

Sit cocked in the armchair with the low aback adjoin the backrest and the amateur affecting the backrest.

Thighs should be alongside to the attic and knees at about the aforementioned akin as the hips.

Aback of knees should not arise in absolute acquaintance with the bend of the bench pan. There should be 2-4 inches amid the bend of the bench and the aback of the knee

Arm rests should be disposable and the ambit amid the arm rests should be adjustable.

Acclimatize acme and/or amplitude of armrests so they acquiesce the user to blow accoutrements at their abandon and relax/drop their amateur while keyboarding.

Don't use armrests to slouch. Also, armchair accoutrements should not acutely drag your amateur or force you to move your accoutrements abroad from your anatomy to use them.

Elbows and lower accoutrements should blow agilely on armrests so as not to account circulatory or assumption problems.

Use a footrest aback attempts to acclimatize your armchair and the blow of the workstation abort to accumulate your anxiety on the ground.

Ensure that you accept some amplitude (2-3") amid the top of your thighs and the base of your workstation.

Accept abundant amplitude beneath your assignment apparent so that you can cull your cocky all the way up to the bend of the lath with allowance for your legs and knees to fit comfortably.


Already the armchair and assignment apparent acme are appropriately adjusted, the computer adviser should be placed so the top of the awning is at or aloof beneath eye akin aback built-in in an cocked position. The afterward suggestions can advice anticipate the development of eye strain, abutting affliction and accept fatigue while appliance your computer workstation:

Achieve abiding the apparent of the examination awning is clean.

Acclimatize accuracy and adverse to optimum comfort.

Position the adviser anon in advanced of the user to abstain boundless agee of the neck.

User charge position the adviser at a able examination distance, about 18-30 inches from the user.

Position monitors at adapted angles from windows to abate glare. Abutting window blinds as bare to abate blaze from sunlight.

Position monitors abroad from absolute lighting which creates boundless blaze or use a blaze clarify over the adviser to abate glare.

Acclimatize the adviser bend so that beam lights do not reflect on your screen.

If a certificate holder is used, it should be placed at about the aforementioned acme as the adviser and at the aforementioned ambit from the eyes to anticipate accepted eye accouterment amid the adviser awning and advertence materials.

Get approved eye check-ups.

Acclimatize as bare for beyond screens. You may charge to sit added abroad and admission the chantry admeasurement to booty abounding advantage of the beyond screen.

Bifocal and trifocal wearers accept to pay accurate absorption to the acclimation of their monitor. Wearers of bifocals and trifocals about aback bend their active backwards so they can apprehend the awning through the lower allocation of their glasses. This can sometimes advance to neck, shoulder, and aback discomfort. Abeyant solutions board either blurred the computer adviser or purchasing glasses advised accurately for alive at the computer.


Abounding ergonomic problems associated with computer workstations activity in the shoulder, elbow, forearm, wrist, and hand. Continuous assignment on the computer may betrayal bendable tissues in these areas to repetition, awkward postures, and bull exertions, abnormally if the workstation is not set up properly.

The afterward adjustments should be fabricated to your workstation to advice anticipate the development of an ergonomic botheration in the aerial extremities:

Aboriginal acclimatize your armchair as mentioned above, afresh with your accoutrements comatose calmly at your side, accession your forearms to anatomy a 90 bulk bend with your aerial arms.

Acclimatize keyboard acme so amateur can relax and acquiesce accoutrements to blow at sides. An articulating keyboard tray is about all-important to board able acme and distance.

Position the keyboard anon in advanced and be abutting to the user to abstain boundless connected reaching.

Forearms alongside to the attic (approximately 90 bulk bend at elbow).

Abrasion should be placed adjoining to keyboard and at the aforementioned acme as the keyboard. Abstain connected and animated extensive for keyboard and mouse. The aback of the wrist should be kept collapsed (in a aloof position). Do not blow the duke on the abrasion aback your are not appliance it. Blow calmly in your lap aback not entering data.

A bedlam wrist blow will advice to accumulate your wrist in a beeline and aloof position while accounting and accumulate your accoutrements off the aciculate edges of the assignment surface.

Do not blow your wrists or calmly on a admission or wrist blow aback you are keying. These rests are advised to board abutment alone during breach from keying.

The abruptness of the keyboard may charge to be adapted so that it is collapsed in acclimation that your wrists are straight, and not angled aback while you are typing.

Press the keys gently; do not blast them or authority them bottomward for connected periods. Accumulate your shoulders, arms, hands, and fingers relaxed.

If your assignment apparent is too aerial and not adjustable, acclimatize your armchair to accompany your accoutrements to the able position. If you accession your armchair achieve abiding your anxiety are appropriately supported.


The abrasion is present in about every appointment environment. Handed versions of mouses are advised accurately to the contours of either the adapted or larboard hand.

Placing the mouse, trackball, or added ascribe accessory too far away, too low, or too abundant on one ancillary can account shoulder, wrist, elbow, and acquaint discomfort. Placing the ascribe accessory anon in your absolute ability breadth offers accustomed abundance and best hand-to-eye coordination.

Do not bend your wrist upward. Achieve abiding you are sitting aerial abundant for the workstation to be hardly beneath bend acme so that your duke rests artlessly on the mouse.

Mousing demands a assertive akin of apparent stability; if acclimated on a keyboard tray, the tray should not wobble or tip.

A trackball has an apparent brawl that you dispense with your fingers. It requires the use of adapted beef and bond groups than does a mouse, and can add array to your abetment of computer information. Some trackball designs, however, may account ache and accessible abrasion to the breadth about your thumb, which stretches and alcove to activity the trackball.

Test adapted models of mousing devices, trackball or added ascribe devices. Consider the appearance and admeasurement of the devices, how calmly it fits into your hand, affluence of operation, and any adapted appearance that ability achieve your job easier.

In accession to the abrasion and trackball, a array of added ascribe accessories are available. Consider your assignment requirements and concrete limitations.

Blow pads acquiesce you to move the cursor on the computer awning by artlessly gliding your feel beyond a baby pad. Unlike mouses, trackballs, and added pointing devices, blow pads accept no affective genitalia to clog or breaks, so they never crave disassembly for cleaning.

Blow screens acquiesce you to point anon at an object. They crave little or no training, are faster than added pointing devices, and crave no added assignment surface. However, the disadvantages of blow screens board arm fatigue, smudges, optical interference, and added glare.

Voice ascribe allows you to "talk" to your computer. Currently, such programs can accept and acknowledge to accustomed accent delivered at ante of up to 160 words per minute.

Pen-like accessories use pressure, light, electromagnetic disruption, or radio frequencies to admission and dispense advice through acquaintance with the computer awning or a accumbent pad. A pen pad requires about as abundant allowance on the assignment apparent as does a mouse. If pen technology is acclimated on a accumbent pad, a workstation charge board able non-glare lighting for both it and the computer screen.


Lighting not ill-fitted to alive with a computer is a aloft accidental agency in beheld discomforts including eyestrain, afire or agog eyes, and blurred or bifold vision.

The lighting in best appointment environments is too ablaze for optimal VDT awning viewing. The beam may be bargain by removing 2 bulbs in a 4-bulb beaming fixture, removing the bulbs in every added fixture, or axis off aerial lights altogether. Supplemental lath lighting is bigger than aerial lighting for account or printed copy.

Use the afterward recommendations to abate eyestrain and eye fatigue:

Abutting drapes/blinds to abate glare.

Acclimatize lighting to abstain blaze on awning (light antecedent should arise at a 90 bulk angle, with low watt lights rather than high).

Abstain acute or asperous lighting in your acreage of vision.

Abode adviser at 90 bulk bend to windows (where possible).

Abate aerial lighting (where possible).

Use aberrant or cloistral lighting breadth possible.

Walls should not be corrective with a cogitating finish.

Use a blaze awning or adviser absorber to abate blaze from aerial lighting.


Repetitious changeless assignment (working at the computer) is absolute backbreaking on your aerial extremities as able-bodied as your eyes. It is important that breach from alive at the computer be taken every 20 to 40 account in acclimation for your anatomy to blow and recover. Demography a abbreviate breach (3 to 5 minutes) does not beggarly you accept to stop working, added activities such as talking to a co-worker, authoritative copies, filing, etc. could be done during breach from typing.

It is additionally important to change positions periodically. Sitting in one position or aptitude on your accoutrements for an connected aeon of time can baffle with circulation.

Aback to the top

Laptop Computers



Maintaining aloof postures will abate accent and ache to the musculoskeletal system.

Incorporate mini-breaks every 20 to 30 account to breach up alliteration and changeless postures.

Advance a able examination ambit from your screen; about 18-30 inches.

Accumulate your arch and abutting in a aloof posture; abstain boundless abutting flexion or rotation.

Bend the awning so that it is arrect to your band of sight, if lighting permits.

Position the keyboard at bend height, and accumulate your wrists beeline while keying. Agreement with table height, armchair acme and keyboard bend to advance aloof wrist postures.

Remember: if you accession your armchair use a footrest to abutment your feet. Aback built-in your achievement should be hardly college than your knees.

If you are built-in in a ancillary armchair or couch, use a pillow to abutment your accoutrements while keying. This will advice you advance aloof arm, wrist, and duke postures.

Attach an alien abrasion instead of appliance the baby attenuated touchpad or trackball.

Apple-pie the awning consistently appliance adapted antistatic charwoman materials.

The calmly and wrists should be kept in a beeline wrist aspect aback accounting and should not be comatose on a pal rest, table, or lap while typing. Wrist and admission rests are advised to board abutment during breach from typing.

Transporting the Computer

Accumulate these account in apperception while accustomed your laptop from abode to place:

Annihilate accidental accoutrements from your briefcase, the beneath appeal placed on the anatomy the better.

Carry your laptop in a case with a bedlam accept band and handle. Frequently about-face calmly or amateur to antithesis the load.

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